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Rooted: A Day at the Kansas FFA Convention

A Firsthand FFA Experience

Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to attend the Kansas FFA Convention in Manhattan, Kansas, as a representative of MJE Livestock Equipment. Growing up in a rural town in Southwest Kansas, I had always been aware of the impact and importance of FFA, but I had never been a participant myself. However, this experience allowed me to witness firsthand the dedication and enthusiasm these young leaders bring to the agricultural community.

Traveling with MJE Livestock Equipment Team

I traveled to the convention with Michael Cowley, our Sales Director, Ethan Cantrell, our Dealer Manager, and Shannon Coleman, our Director of Human Resources. Michael and Ethan are former FFA students, and their excitement for the event was palpable. Our goal for the day was to increase awareness of career opportunities for FFA students upon graduation and to introduce these bright young minds to the MJE Livestock Equipment brand.

Engaging at the Kansas FFA Annual Opportunity Fair

Upon arrival, the energy in the air was unmistakable. The convention was buzzing with activity, with students participating in leadership development workshops, interactive sessions, and various competitions. We set up our booth at the Kansas FFA Annual Opportunity Fair, which kicked off at 11:00 am. This fair was a prime chance to engage with students and discuss the various career paths available within our company.

Impressions of FFA Students

What struck me the most throughout the day was the professionalism and eagerness of the students. They were not only kind and respectful but also incredibly engaged. Many approached our booth with insightful questions about our products, company history, and potential career opportunities. Their genuine interest and willingness to learn were genuinely inspiring.

FFA Stories and Leadership Development

One of the day’s highlights was meeting students who shared their personal FFA stories. Many spoke about how FFA had shaped their leadership skills and provided them with opportunities to grow both personally and professionally. It was clear that FFA instills a strong sense of responsibility and community in its members, qualities that align perfectly with our values at MJE Livestock Equipment.

Attending General Sessions and Workshops

Most students attended general sessions and workshops throughout the day. The sessions were filled with recognition for student achievements, special remarks from industry leaders, and engaging discussions on innovative ideas in agriculture. It was heartening to see the level of support and encouragement these students received from both their peers and the broader agricultural community.

Reflections on the Kansas FFA Convention

As the day ended, I reflected on the impact of the Kansas FFA Convention. It was more than just a day spent promoting our company; it was an opportunity to connect with future agriculture leaders. The professionalism and passion of these students left a lasting impression on me, reaffirming my belief in the importance of supporting and nurturing young talent in the agricultural industry.

At MJE Livestock Equipment, we are committed to providing career opportunities that allow these young leaders to continue growing and making a difference in their communities. The Kansas FFA Convention was a reminder of the bright future for agriculture, and I am proud to be a part of it.

Support Local FFA Programs

We encourage you to support local FFA programs to ensure that these promising students continue to receive the support and resources they need. By investing in the future of agriculture, you help cultivate the next generation of leaders who will drive innovation and growth in our communities. 

Learn more about how you can support the Kansas FFA Foundation here and how to contribute to the National FFA Foundation here. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of these young agriculturalists.

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